Hades' Star: DARK NEBULA release information

  • The last Launch Rehearsal test will be from October 14 until October 16.
  • The existing Hades' Star apps (iOS, Android, Steam and Google Play Games PC) will be the first to be updated to Dark Nebula, on October 30 at the earliest. Unforeseen issues can delay this for many weeks.
  • The separate Hades' Star: DARK NEBULA app on Android and iOS will be released 2 or more days after the existing app is updated. There are only small visual differences between the old and new apps, including window borders and loading screen. Valid reasons to change to the new app include liking the UI or loading screens better, or having pre-ordered the new app on Google Play (launching your account from the new Dark Nebula app will be the only way to claim the 500 Pre-registration Crystals). If the above doesn't apply to you, you can keep using the existing Hades' Star app.
  • Hades' Star: DARK NEBULA will launch on Xbox and PlayStation on November 15, 2023 at the earliest.
  • In preparation for the DARK NEBULA update, you will see the following changes to Hades' Star during October: 
    • Season 59 will be the last Blue Star season before Dark Nebula release. Leaderboards will be disabled between the time Season 59 ends and the time Dark Nebula launches.
    • Season 50 will be the last White Star season before Dark Nebula release. Leaderboards will be disabled between the time Season 50 ends and the time Dark Nebula launches.
    • New White Star searches will be disabled starting October 20 and until Dark Nebula release.

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