Dark Nebula upgrade guide

Hades' Star: DARK NEBULA is the next update to Hades' Star. It will release later this year, completely replacing the current live version of Hades' Star. Your existing Hades' Star account will be transferred over to DARK NEBULA.

Depending who you ask, DARK NEBULA is an identical clone of Hades' Star with slightly different graphics, a radically different game, or somewhere in between. All these viewpoints, coming from players who have experienced the original game with different patterns and over different timeframes, are correct. 

If you are worried that things have changed too much, or the changes you saw or heard about in the Early Access builds are too overwhelming, this post is a good place to get started with Dark Nebula when it releases.

Shipments and Yellow Star Economy

Dark Nebula redesigns the shipment progression using the following principles: 

1. With so many other diverse activities in the game, doing Shipments should be optional, especially at the early game. The new Relay reflects that, allowing players to deliver all their shipments in less than a minute, with selectable bonus levels, and without requiring any other star types to be played first. Manual shipments have still been re-designed to offer a resource management challenge to players who want better bonuses and lower Hydrogen usage than the Relay.

2. Hydrogen should be the primary constraint for delivering shipments efficiently. In the original Hades' Star, Hydrogen was practically unlimited for players who had a lot of free time and the ability to run alt accounts.

3. Shipment volume (the total number of shipments generated in the star system per day) should be a properly balanced parameter that grows in a slow and controlled manner as players progress through the game, in line with expected upgrades for the ships and technology used to manage that volume. In original Hades' Star, the sudden jumps in shipment volume at the moment players colonized a new planet was a key reason shipments became frustrating for many players, very early in the game.

4. Shipment bonuses (awarded via shipping modules and the Shipment Relay) should be much more impactful in daily income, encouraging players to upgrade their technology and infrastructure as they progress throughout the game. 

Delivering Shipments in Dark Nebula is an exercise in maximizing delivery bonus, without completely blowing out Hydrogen usage. You need to pay close attention to Hydrogen, especially if you weren't before. See the next section on Hydrogen changes, and how to ensure you are maximizing your daily Hydrogen income.

When it comes to delivering your Shipments, the Shipment Relay is super easy to use, and at higher levels, also super easy to instantly eliminate your entire daily supply of Hydrogen. This is the reason why you're able to select bonus level when using the Relay - if you do not have enough Hydrogen and still want to deliver shipments instantly, you'll have to pick a lower bonus level when activating the Relay. For better control of bonuses and Hydrogen costs, you can focus on upgrading and using the relevant Transport modules (Trade Burst, Shipment Computer, Shipment Drone, Rush). Make sure to read the new Module descriptions carefully and start with small experiments that show a strategy's credits per hydrogen ratio, before scaling that strategy to the entire star system. With the Relay bonuses becoming very expensive (in terms of Hydrogen) on higher levels, you will need to do at least partial Shipments towards the late game if you want your Credit bonuses to remain high. The game has been designed so the vast majority of players will need to do a combination between Relay and manual shipping after RS6.

Yellow Star economy has also changed in respect to Planets. Instead of artificially limiting some planets to very low maximum levels, Dark Nebula allows all planets to be upgraded to the same maximum level (you'll notice that those planets were automatically brought to a higher upgrade level after your account was upgraded to Dark Nebula). Use the new Planet list UI (in the Star info page on your Yellow Star) to easily see all current planet levels and what planet you need to focus on next. The same UI will also emphasize building and upgrading Trade Stations (something that could easily be overlooked  or ignored previously, because of very high up-front costs). 

You will notice that daily Credits income and expenses have changed.  These changes put a proper control to the progression rate for all players, and fix serious issues in the previous Hades' Star game, like extremely slow early progression to RS6 and inconsistent times to reach very high Red Star levels. If you feel like it takes longer to start start planet upgrades in the new environment, go through the following checklist to ensure you are maximizing your Credit income: 

  • Transport modules that give bonuses (Shipment Computer, Trade Burst and Shipment Drone) should be upgraded at least to the same level your Red Star Scanner is at, and used daily to increase bonuses. If you are late RS10 or RS11, those modules should be upgraded to the maximum level. You can not ignore bonuses if you want to progress reasonably fast in the game.
  • You are completing your daily Objective
  • You are collecting a Rich Asteroid Field in Red Stars every day
  • You are running enough Blue Stars each day to fill your Credits reward bar

Hydrogen management

In Dark Nebula, Hydrogen has been completely redesigned with the following principles in mind: 

1. The only reason Hydrogen exists is to give a resource management challenge when doing Red Stars and Shipments. Game systems that effectively give unlimited Hydrogen are broken mechanics that should be eliminated from the game.

2. Hydrogen production and collection should feel like a growing process that scales as your Empire becomes bigger;

3. Hydrogen should never be putting limits on what Modules are upgraded, or how Battleships are maneuvered.

When your account is upgraded to Dark Nebula, you may notice that your Hydrogen cap has been reduced, and Hydrogen costs for certain things are very different. Here's the key points to keep in mind to navigate these changes:

- Your Hydrogen cap represents *roughly* the amount of Hydrogen you are expected to produce in about 1.5-2 days, assuming you are playing trying to maximize your progress (40-50 minutes per day). In the previous Hades' Star version, Hydrogen Cap was an arbitrary number that didn't mean anything. 

- Hydrogen Costs for jumping ships to Red Stars are no longer negligible, they're one of the key costs of running a Red Star. You can no longer jump unlimited ships for the same tiny Hydrogen cost. Keep an eye on the number of ships you've already jumped - they will increase the cost for the next ship of that same type jumping in. This cost also intentionally addresses previous undesirable "strategies" like bringing in new ships with refreshed modules to work around cooldowns.

- Your yellow star system will always produce 100% of the Hydrogen you can collect. Hydrogen in Red Stars now serves a different purpose, and can not be brought back to the Yellow Star. It is no longer possible to mine other player's yellow star systems.

- Many Hydrogen costs have been removed, such as most Modules (excluding modules directly related to running Shipments or Red Stars), moving Battleships in any star type or moving Transports in White Stars.

In Dark Nebula, the sources of Hydrogen have been redesigned so they are predictable and consistent for all players. You will no longer be able to get unlimited Hydrogen by mining inactive player systems or running Red Stars indefinitely. The hydrogen generation modules have changed or are no longer usable in Yellow Stars. To maximize your daily Hydrogen income in this new environment, go through the following checklist: 

  • Try to maximize the base amount of Hydrogen stored in your base asteroids by unlocking as many sectors as possible
  • The HYDROGEN REPLICATOR module generates additional Hydrogen every time you deliver in your Yellow Star system. Make sure you have it upgraded as high as you can, and equipped on all the miners tasked with collecting Hydrogen in your Yellow Star.
  • GENESIS can generate a fixed amount of Hydrogen per day in your system - make sure it is unlocked at the highest possible level, equipped in one of your Yellow Star miners, and used daily. 
  • If you do not have enough blueprints for GENESIS or HYDROGEN REPLICATOR to take them at least to the same level as your Red Star scanner, researching MINING artifacts should be your highest priority.
  • The RUSH module affects your Transport's fuel usage and should be upgraded as much as possible.
  • The Star Harvester building should be upgraded as high as possible and used daily.
  • Blue Stars offer significant Hydrogen income, especially in the early game, at no risk to other resources even if you never win a game.

Red Stars

Red Stars have been intentionally balanced around a player clearing one max level planet sector near their gate, and retrieving all 4 Artifacts from it. A single player taking 10+ Artifacts from a single Red Star is now more difficult. Even when possible, taking a lot of Artifacts from a single Red Star will appropriately increase the total Hydrogen expenses for that star.

The difficulty in Red Stars has been affected by numerous tweaks to map layout, time to supernova, Cerberus strength, and player module stats. The goal is that the overall difficulty in Dark Nebula should stay similar to the previous same level Red Stars, but with important caveats. Using all available Modules will be more important now, and with cooldowns globally reduced, Modules are now expected to be used far more frequently in Red Stars. Loading Artifacts has been intentionally made harder, requiring management of important resources (battleship HP, modules and time until supernova) throughout the Red Star's lifetime. Previously the Red Star gameplay was more or less over the moment the planet sector was clear, with little incentive to keep using most modules. This is no longer the case - starting at RS4, your Transport ships will be under constant threat until they leave the Star, and you need to plan on protecting them. Time management is a new variable to consider in Red Stars, that wasn't really there before. In higher level Red Stars, upgrading and using the Red Star Life Extender module has been designed to be mandatory. 

The end result of all this is that if you approach Red Stars with the same tactics and modules you used in Hades' Star, they will likely feel much harder or impossible until you adjust. Here are some hints for adjusting faster: 

  • In Dark Nebula, module slot numbers and all the available modules have been carefully designed to enable interesting strategic choices in every Red Star level. This also means that many lazy "3x" loadouts (i.e. equipping the same module on all 3 Battleships) no longer work and will make your job in a Red Star harder. If you are having trouble in Red Stars, the first thing to look for is for Modules that don't really help you during the match (i.e. are you equipping 3x Teleport on all your Battleships because it actually helps you with a tactic, or because that's how you had it in Hades' Star?). Removing and re-installing Modules is now free, and with Battleships not getting destroyed from Combat you can afford to experiment more. (Note that ships will still get lost if they get caught in Supernova).
  • The Sanctuary module has been removed from the game. If you are like the vast majority of Hades' Star players, this frees up a slot from all your ships. If you are struggling to clear a planet in your Red Star level, think carefully about how to maximize utility from this free module slot.
  • Teaming up with other players is still your best shot at getting artifacts easier. As in the original Hades' Star, we have designed the regular Red Stars to be much easier when there's more than one participants. You can also use new features such as the Friends system and Red Stars in progress to ensure you're not running a Red Star alone. 
  • Do not ignore the Transport modules that work in Red Stars. Some of them require a loaded Artifact to activate, so consider looting a lower level planet first.
  • The original Hades' Star game did a very poor job of making all modules useful in Red Stars. This led many players to completely ignore unlocking or upgrading certain modules. With the way Dark Nebula carries over progress, this will lead to those players having certain modules under-developed for their Red Star level. They will have less options when deciding module loadouts, and may need to work on their module upgrades before they're comfortable doing a Red Star at their current level (especially if they're on a high Red Star level). Because of the way Dark Nebula artifacts award Blueprints, running lower level Red Stars is not as punishing any more. While you do lose out on Blueprints for the higher level Red Star modules, you are still gaining Blueprints for all other Modules at the maximum rate. If you are struggling with Red Stars at your current level, running lower level Red Stars until your technology is more upgraded is now a perfectly reasonable strategy.

Blue Stars

Dark Nebula builds upon the gameplay of Blue Stars by removing barriers and improving incentives to play, which should increase the matchmaking pool and the quality of matchmaking. We have also made a years-long effort to make all modules viable, and their combinations interesting (both when playing with the modules, and against them). 

Blue Stars now have guaranteed daily income for Credits and Hydrogen, even for players who do not win any match during the day. Winning matches will stay important for leaderboards.

Blue Stars are intentionally made important for Hydrogen income in the early game, with a big chunk of daily income coming from them. They become less important for Hydrogen income as the game progresses, especially after RS8. 

White Stars

If you are one of the many people who quit White Stars because of unbalanced Modules and mechanics, including the extreme pressure to stay available 24/7 for 5 days, you should give them a second try in Dark Nebula. All modules have been re-designed and separately tweaked for White Stars. 

If you have been affected by bad matchmaking in the past, this should also be improved in Dark Nebula. By removing the 15vs15 and 5vs5 slots, the volume of Corporations the matchmaker has to work with should be improved (this is the biggest constraint in giving everyone good matches). When a gross mismatch inevitably happens, the new Underdog system will allow you to gain Corporation XP (previously Corporation Relics) at improved rate even if you lose the match, provided you still do a team effort to retrieve at least one Relic.

White Stars no longer give Credits and Hydrogen rewards. If you are one of the many people who used to begrudgingly participate only because of these rewards, you can now safely ignore them. However, joining a Corporation that is active and successful in White Stars is still very important for your overall progression. These Corporations will give you a boost to passive income and module blueprint yield. Some of these rewards are time-limited and will go away if the Corporation has not won a White Star recently. Whether they personally like White Stars or not, Corporation Leaders will need to recruit two good teams of 10 players and run White Stars weekly at both slots if they want their Corporation to be competitive and desirable to new recruits. 


Every Module in the game has been rethought from scratch, in order to make all game modes live up to their true potential. In the original Hades' Star game, some Modules were disguised game systems and were either not upgradeable at all (Recall, Sanctuary) or punished the player by making basic game functionality harder to access until they were upgraded to some minimum level (Time Warp, Teleport, Barrier, Remote Mining).   

Instead of piling on this unstable foundation, Dark Nebula has done all the hard work of extracting game systems out of the modules and into the base game itself. This new foundation is a much better starting point for eventually making all modules equally desirable, and for making all module upgrades desirable as well. With Dark Nebula's module lineup, this can now be achieved via much simpler number updates in the years ahead. This new environment also makes it possible to introduce new modules that don't break when combined with older modules. It is a vital change to ensure the game's longevity. 

After upgrading to Dark Nebula, you will find an Inbox message detailing which Modules were converted to new ones, and which ones were deleted.

Here are some key examples of how and why some modules have changed. This list does not include everything. Make sure to carefully check in game descriptions for ALL modules, even ones that at first glance seem unchanged.

  • Time Warp has replaced by Weapon Amplifier, a module that amplifies *ALL* weapons in range. Previously, Time Warp was responsible for severely breaking both PvP modes, and for making Yellow and Red Star gameplay slightly less frustrating by speeding things up (this speed up has been baked into the core game where needed). 
  • Sanctuary is deleted from the game and its effects mostly baked into every game mode, excluding Dark Red Stars and supernova on any star type. Losing ships to supernova (or Dark Red Stars) is intentionally much cheaper in the early game and more expensive in the late game. Previously, this mechanic was unavailable to early players, who were the ones who needed it the most. 
  • Teleport is now a Battleship-only Module, restoring the importance of route clearing and planning in Red Stars, and making time management as important as it should have originally been.
  • Barrier is no longer the mandatory "pause" button, without which nobody could find success in RS10 and over. It's a now a useful, but not mandatory, module that can help manage waves of enemies and projectiles in higher level Red Stars.

There are now 6 types of Artifacts, up from 3 in original Hades' Star. Each type of Artifact awards Blueprints for one specific type of Module (TRANSPORT, MINER, WEAPON, SHIELD, COMBAT and the new DRONE type). COMBAT modules (previously SUPPORT) can now only be equipped on Battleships. 

Doubling the number of Artifact types, along with making modules more desirable across all types, aims to make player Trading a more vital part of the game. Players who are only looking for a specific type of module to research for the month are less likely to keep finding enough supply of that module type in their Red Star runs.

After the very early game, Artifacts now award Blueprints at a fixed rate, regardless of their level. For example, a Level 6 WEAPON Artifact retrieved in RS6 will yield the same amount of DUAL LASER Blueprints as the RS5 WEAPON Artifact. The difference is that the Level 6 Artifact will also yield blueprints for the BARRAGE module, whereas the Level 5 won't. You can focus your research towards the modules you want and engage with horizontal trading with other players (meaning trading of Artifacts of the same level but different types), without feeling forced to run high level Red Stars unless you want the higher level Modules.

Blueprints are now the main constraint for upgrading Modules. The maximum module level has been increased to 15. For most modules, it will take a lot of effort to collect all the required Blueprints for the later levels. There are new game systems that provide bonus to Blueprint yield, such as the White Star Corporation bonuses and the ARTIFACT BOOST module. You should not overlook their importance. 

Artifacts found in Dark Red Stars also provide significantly more blueprints, but come with risk of Credit loss for ship replacements. Endgame players who no longer have much to spend Credits on can consider that route for reaching the level 15 Blueprints requirements faster.


  1. Well, I WILL be deleting the game from my phone. Some of these changes are unacceptable.

    1. Explain? Nothing here seems crazy. Might actually make the game fresh again instead of a grind fest.

    2. No one will miss you.

    3. Let those people go solo.

    4. I don't know if I will play the new game. Not mining anymore in other places. You don't have enough hydro

    5. They want to destroy game

    6. Not possible to mine out systèm will kill thé game. Not enaugh hydro for player addict

    7. I belong to a HUGE corp that introduced me to an amazing group of people. Picked up the game while in bed with Covid and after the loss of family members from it. This team kept me sane. So did this game. I thought the callous messages from the devs early on would break my team up. Instead we stuck together and found a new game. Dozens of us maybe more.

      Oddly spending no money on HS since there wasn’t really much option to.

      The new game we aren’t whales but we are dropping way more. Since money also helps other corp mates.

      Careful monetization would have helped. Alienating your user base and ignoring all but the butt kissers. That may pose a huge issue for them.

      Or we all leave and thousands discover the new game and it is a huge success.

      The internet is huge.

    8. I think theye did not disappoint people want to have easy games to progress faster. I love everything about dark nebula update it seems alot of fun now. I am excited although I did not even unlocked red star life extender I guess I'll have to know haha..Nah I can't wait

  2. Well, I WILL be giving it a try as a lot of thought and effort has gone into it

  3. Unfortunately they have made an interesting and playable game into one big disaster. Shame on Dad.

  4. Game will be better without you Dragonborn. Thanks Devs... I doubt it will be perfect but I too appreciate the effort and look forward to new challenges.

  5. Teleport on bs only???

  6. Mee too That's misunderstanding players needs

  7. please translate the game into more languages

  8. Why are you transferring Hades’ accounts to this ‘new’ game??? You are forcing the new/old player mismatch into this game from the start. There is no way to overcome that.

    1. One way to look at this is this: the old Hades' Star is being shut down, the servers discontinued because the game is not sustainable any more. Online games shut down all the time for this reason. It cannot be avoided, no matter how easy you personally may think it is to keep running the old game.

      Whatever you may think of the "new" game, transferring old accounts is far better than the old game shutting down and having years of effort disappear overnight. That's how other online games shut down, we want to try to be better than that.

    2. They milked the old cow, now it is empty. Now we will milk the new one. But the community will endure time and money. I'm leaving this community forever. Disappointment.

    3. Can’t wait !

    4. oh yeah HS mad "milk cow" money. One time years ago the Devs like, buy me a Starbucks and ill give u a little boost pemanent. Then he has the nerve to like make what he could have called a whole new game, and still carry that over, and he's got the nerve to say, hey give u a little more if you buy me a pizza....

  9. Rse is mandatory now? What happened to making modules not necessary or mandatory, as mentioned even later in the same text?

    And what's that about corps having to be competitive and winning to be desirable?
    "Some of these rewards are time-limited and will go away if the Corporation has not won a White Star recently." Do I understand correctly that we will be losing bonuses for not having 20 active and competitive people who enjoy pvp? Sounds like a joke tbh.

    Thanks for the guide, ig.

    1. Going from the mess of the original Hades' Star to 100% of the modules being desirable and interchangeable will not happen overnight, as is clearly stated in the post. At Dark Nebula launch, there are barely enough Transport modules to fill all slots on a max Red Star dedicated Transport, so there can be no meaningful combinations for that slot type.

    2. Still didn't answer the question. Will corps lose bonuses for not having 20 active and competitive people running pvp? With the way it's worded that's what is sounds like. Going from "we don't want you have to run WS just go get credit/hydro" to "Corps have to run WS on two levels weekly to get bonuses" seems like a contradiction.

    3. I am skeptical of some of the changes coming our way, because they seem to be aimed at increasing the challenge that the game poses. Basically, increasing the stress level of the player (for Red Stars especially) and turning it into a game that you either play for keeps or you don't play at all. Maybe I am mistaken, we'll see. Still, I remind myself that these changes are coming from the same team that gave us Hades' Star in the first place, a game I have enjoyed for quite some time. The main reason I have been able to properly enjoy it is because it was NOT aimed exclusively at players who get withdrawal symptoms if they do not complete all available daily tasks every day. Being a casual PvE player, who dedicates something like 20 mins per day or 40 mins every 2 days to getting the 'croid', you can still enjoy the game and progress in it. I don't hate PvP but I regard it as something akin to a side quest for getting some different bonuses. Now, if these bonuses are only temporary, it is ensured that I will definitely ignore the PvP side of the game. I am hoping that this will not impact normal game progress, because that would ruin the experience for me. My corp is a small one for casual players. Even getting enough people for a 5vs5 WS is a difficult task. Might I suggest you find a way to allow match-ups between teams with a different (smaller than 10) number of players (an incomplete lineup) while offering some mild bonuses to compensate for this. This would ensure that not only hardcore players, but also casual ones can enjoy playing White Stars.

  10. I already avoid playing RS10/RS11 because I don't want my TS under threat once I've cleared a sector. If you apply that to RS4+ then I'm just not playing anymore.

    1. Same here: I'm RS11 but I only play RS10. I'm stopping the game anyway.

    2. But now they just back? Like the stress of losing ts and miners is gone, just an oops

    3. RS11 players... who cant handle vs 'ass battery? This is whats wrong with HS endgame grind, only players that enjoy safe and boring make it, so looking forward to DN being exciting all the way thru, so all my old skilled mates return

    4. Safe and boring is what keeps me playing this game. The moment it starts to raise my heart rate, I stop playing.

    5. great, there are thousands of games like that. Very few choices for challenging and not p2w. Pre-Barrage HS was one of the few, and DN may be again!

  11. "Corporation Leaders will need to recruit two good teams of 10 players and run White Stars weekly at both slots if they want their Corporation to be competitive and desirable to new recruits."
    That seems kinda... optimistic - to put it mildly.

    1. Get ready. As first officer myself, the Corp itself will fundamentally change as member/ranking will not be as valuable as the current game. Corp member now can progress without the use of a Corp, as I beta tested this game for several months. All First Officers will have a difficult time justifying joining a Corp. Recall relics are not in the Corp’s main screen, and members can delete their communication and block First officers from chatting or receiving chat messages.

  12. Well, after more than five years, it's finally time for me to retire. Thank you Andreas! I probably couldn't have done it without Dark Nebula.

  13. Will the "old" HS shutdown in favor of Dark Nebula going forward?

    1. To clarify.....Progress is being ported to Dark Nebula and HS is being shutdown going forward?

    2. Yes, the progress will be ported over to Dark Nebula and the old Hades is going to shutdown

  14. I appreciate all the hard work the devs are putting into this. That aside, I am not excited about the transition. It's their game, not mine, so I know I don't get much of a say in how the game evolved. My suspicion is that I'll be looking for a new game to play. Hope that isn't the case, but after playing the DN beta I suspect I won't enjoy DN. Farewell to an amazing game! I hope the majority of players find enjoyment in it, and the community grows.

  15. I'm curious as to why you insist on using discord for these announcements, instead of the ingame inbox\news messaging feature. discord may reach those Not playing HS, but wouldn't an ingame message reach all those who Are playing HS?

    1. There's plenty of "yesmen" on discord. That's how

  16. As a long-time player of the original game, I look forward to trying something fresh and different. I hope I like it at least as much as the original.

    The testing that I did do during the trial tells me overall that it is an improvement, even though there are things that will be missed.

    I hope this update is well received in the long run, because I will be looking forward to new content in the future.

    Hades Star has always been very unique.

  17. It's been good 4 years for me and I was feeling a fair bit burned out for some time now. Hopefully with DN coming soon my interest will spark up again.

    Modules are generally fine, most testing I will do will happen mostly after the update whenever I have free time. Hopefully we could collect and share some interesting data :)

    For now I am worried about laser module. I am aware that it is the "starter" weapon now but after lengthy discussion with my corpmates we came to conclusion that it's charge time doesn't justify using it and no target switch delay means nothing with previous reason + low base dmg. Battery however provides good damage that is consistent and just high enough to get through most threats (even bigger ones) more consistently and reliably than laser. Main reason? Cerbs have lower health and weapons do more damage. Laser just has a catch that comes with it and that catch mostly hurts it. Good design, yes. However turns out to be underpowered, unfortunately.
    TLDR for this section: laser is much worse than battery. Charge time reduction may help

    1. I found laser could be pretty effective with certain setups. I would tend to move my ships in two groups in DN compared to HS where they were all similar. That gave laser’s power up a chance to shine a lot more. Because the play style has changed, it’s difficult to judge the changes based on experiences in HS. That’s not to say there won’t be updates and changes.

  18. RIP Hades Star, we loved you, probably too much. GL to everyone trying Dark Nebula. I wonder if the dev will reply to call me a dumb ass per his usual MO?...

    1. Circe's potion transformed each man into an animal most like his nature. A rare man became a lion, a hawk or a monkey. Most became pigs and asses

  19. Andreas is simply out of touch with his player base and does not understand how to make a game enjoyable and inviting. This comical multi year attempt to "fix" a game from the ground up has achieved nothing but alienating the current player base in hopes of attracting a nieve (and free-spending) new player who will enter a community of jaded players who remember a time when the game was good. An absolute failure in every way .

    1. Really the only person that thinks HS is broken is Andy. Why else would we all still be playing and enjoying it after years?!

    2. Why did like 95% of everyone you played with eventually lose interest...

  20. As a long time player and head of a corporation for several years, my only real concern for this update is the loss of progress that my corp mates and I have done to upgrade our corporation. I believe that corporation levels shouldn’t be reduced to something that only benefits those corps who are able to actively play two WS simultaneously. This change will also force corporations to reject any players that they deal as “not good enough” (many of those players have joined my corporation and been valuable parts of our community) and this problem will effectively shut down your new player base in total. If no corp will take you and no one will join a new corp, new players will be missing out on a lot of the community of the game.

    1. Totally agree. Putting emphasis on the White Stars is going to crush corporations that simply don't do them. What new player wants to join a corp that has no bonuses simply because the corp members don't like White Stars? Literally making White Star Matches mandatory is a mistake IMO. Especially since there's no reward for participating other than corp level bonuses. That will make corps boot "freeloaders" who don't make the WS team standard.

    2. This change has been carefully designed on many levels, to prevent the things you mention and to improve key areas where the game is hurting:

      - Corporations don't become "useless" if they don't win any White Star. What happens in case of no win is that the Artifact bonus is reduced until they get a win again. The actual numbers have been tweaked so that in the long run, it's not the end of the world if this happens every now and then. Your Corporation's level that you worked hard for will still transfer intact to Dark Nebula, and bring with it many other benefits not related to Artifacts.

      - Many Corporations already reject any players they don't deem "good enough", depending on their culture. You won't see the rest suddenly joining in because of some relatively minor Artifact bonus from White Stars, especially since Corporation member capacities have been designed to be much, much larger than what is needed to run White Stars. This change is meant to provide diversity and have more of the Corporation be active at the same time - see next point. Yes, if your Corporation is made of 50% inactive players (like many in the game), you'll have some hard choices to make. That's by design.

      - The majority of Hades' Star players, who are now in dead/semi-active Corporations (or not in any Corporation at all), will now have a good incentive to join a White Star active Corporation. If you look at the top Corporations in the game, they all have *A LOT* of empty member slots. The same is true for all other Corporations in the game. You may not care personally about that, but it's a very bad health indicator for the game. The community aspect you so love would be vastly improved if you saw all those Corporations full all the time, even if the total number of Corporations was much smaller.

      - People who are on the fence about trying White Stars (they're more than you think) will get a social nudge to step up and participate in a mode that benefits not just them, but their mates as well. This is absolutely the essense of social play in Hades' Star. And along with hundrends of other improvements and gameplay fixes, there's a chance this is what White Stars need to steer them off their current course: slow but steady decline and evantual removal from the game.

    3. Hades star official is truly clueless about their player base. Vast majority of players don't give a damn about white star; they just want the bonus from Corp private RS loot.

    4. Not fond of loosing the 5x5 ws's as we're a newer Corp and having to do 2@ 15x15's will currently be impossible. Unless people can be in two at once. But we will try.

    5. Yes, the old largely disfunctional corps will be less attractive. Active players may have a reason to leave an inactive corp and merge into a functional one. Imagine being in a corp with 30 active friends, instead of 3 and a list of inactive past greats... yay!

  21. I think all the ideas and general design goals make a lot of sense and I hope DN is going to be a lot of fun and a success for you guys. Despite having done *some* testing, I don't feel like I can have a final opinion yet, though. But I'm looking forward to the launch.

  22. Overall love the changes and can't wait till it launches to begin a new account from the ground up. One thing that I didn't understand from the description is: with the new way artifacts work, if you want to quickly upgrade a lower level mod, will you be punished by researching artifacts at a higher level?

    So if I want to upgrade an early mod like Laser, will I upgrade it more quickly by researching a low level combat artifact? That tradeoff does not sound fun to make.

    1. In this example Laser will acquire blueprints at the same speed whether you're researching RS5 or RS6 artifacts. The difference is that the RS6 artifacts will also give blueprints for RS6 modules.

  23. I agree with others, RIP Hades Star, but thank you Andreas for pushing me one more step into finally deleting the game and moving on with my life.

  24. I'll have a browse of dn when it comes out, but well, will see what happens. There's some divisive stuff planned. Just hope the plan to encourage people to put effort into everything and invest time into all star types doesn't end up being "invest an hour a day every day into tedious admin or you can't be competitive".

    1. Honestly, I think you’ll end up spending less time in DN than HS, and I mean that in a good way.

  25. I ain't reading allat

    1. aint rightin allat good neether

  26. no matter what happens or what changes that is about to come in the future, I will always be by the side of the developers, for they efforts and love for their game. come on guys, andreas made Hades'Star that we all love and enjoy, atleast have some faith that he will make DN much more lovable than Hades'Star, let him work his magic.

  27. can u add new module "Ebed" like emp but virus ship can still move but not work modules?

  28. Map Hacking Kid here. Changes look interesting, will definitely need at least a week to adjust and decide if/how I keep playing.

    Has the Bond+Destiny randomness been addressed? If not, what's the supposed counter to it in DN?

    1. Destiny will now only land in an adjacent sector with roids, otherwise it's not possible. So slightly reduced that RNG element.

    2. Probably at least a week. HS really encouraged keeping modules at lower levels and you’ll want them maxed in DN. Depending on your levels you may find it takes time to get stuff upgraded. Step back to the lower level stars to figure out the modules and play with strategies and builds. Try splitting ships into two groups. There is a lot of new stuff to try.

    3. RIP Hades devs just killed the game

  29. This is going to ruin the game and tank the whole company. OG Hades’ Star is dead, and players won’t like Dark Nebula, just like Battleship Apollo. This should have been a separate game. I would have paid to continue playing the original.

    Now I have to go find a new time-sink game to relax with because the dev doesn’t like the way I play. Brilliant…

    1. If people had paid for the original we wouldn’t be here. Give it a try for a while. It does take some adjustment, but it’s a lot of fun.

    2. People might spend on the original if they made spending money worth it people would do it. Right now pre upgrade my options are spending $100 to max out my credits? Spending was made LOL to make it so people wouldn't just pay to win, that could have been addressed many other ways.

    3. The management issues will remain as the weapons get sped up for everything which was pretty much the issue to begin with. So either way it is stuffed

  30. As a ponderous sloth of a player, I avoid timewarp for combat as it usually ends in battleship explosions. If all redstar levels now have that speed baked in, and module cooldowns are faster and expected to be used often, and especially weapons like chainray requiring an intricate dance of many taps to change leading battleship... I fear I will be unable to cope.
    If possible, could you add a corporate/private redstar option of 1/2 speed (or other values) that slows things down? It would make the new redstars much more accessible.

    1. Ship movement is a bit faster, but it’s not at the speed of a higher level time warp either. Module cooldowns won’t overload you, but it means you’ll be able to use modules several times in many sectors rather than just once or twice in a red star. Chain ray isn’t required, and although it can be effective on three ships, it can also be rather slow compared to other strategies. There are reasons why you may just want two ships with CR and a ship equipped a different way.

      I suggest you give it a try. After a short adjustment period it felt ‘right’ whereas HS was too slow. Remember, TW increased the cerbs damage too which is part of what made it difficult to manage at higher levels. That isn’t the case here.

    2. El internet falla *epicamente en los ultimo 2 minutos de la Er y el santuario no esta para salvar las naves nc

  31. > Sanctuary is deleted from the game and its effects mostly baked into every game mode, excluding Dark Red Stars and supernova on any star type.

    Does it mean that it's better to intentionally die with all your ships before a star goes supernova if you don't have time for jump/don't want to spend hydro?

    1. I am not sure but I assume when your ship is going to die and jumps back to your home star it will/ should (hopefully) take hydro to do so.

    2. Yes. Supernova will delete your ship and you would need to rebuild them from scratch. So if you don't want to / have time to travel back to jump gate, let the ships be killed by cerbs and you will have them in home star safe for free.

    3. Doesn't apply to Dark Red Stars though. All deaths in DRS are final, so allocate time accordingly.

    4. Getting your ships killed is an option, but if you are short on time it might actually be a bit difficult to accomplish. Remember, moving battleships no longer take hydro, so it costs nothing to move them to your gate. I don’t believe it costs anything to warp out either, only warp in. (Need to double check that). The ships also move faster, so it’s easier to get back if you are used to Hades Star.

  32. Biggest change I’m excited about is disincentivizing loss farms. The new system looks interesting even if different. The change is welcome. I’m stoked!

  33. I am very sad about so many players being so stubbornly mad about the changes. I am curious and will try out the new game! Some fresh wind sounds good. Thanks for the effort!

  34. White Star change is concerning on the basis of how corporations require them to be run to maintain a competitive standard and steadily grow. Even if more players will join the game after the dark nebula game and more players will be able to join White Stars because of the new changes, I don't see how it will be possible to maintain two entire 10vs10 WS crews interested in frequent white star runs, especially with the white star rewards gone. As dark nebula is yet to release, there's much speculation on how the new white star changes. Being in a leadership position of a corporation myself, I am concerned about how exactly my corporation is meant to maintain a feed of white star runs and keep upto a competitve standard as if I don't, all corporation bonuses and boosts get denied and without those boosts and bonuses, I am much more unlikely to get new White Star interested recruits that I need to host white stars in the first place especially as it is stated that corporation passive boosts will be vital to player-wise game progress, so in a way, newer players would literally be punished to join my corporation in the first place if it ever lacks behind in hosting white stars, although in original hades star, my corporation has a lot of active members and we're not dead and theres only a short shortage of white star players, we just happen to focus on other areas such as artifact gifting/trading and red stars. But it seems like, we will be forced to be a dead corporation upon dark nebula releasing and pressured into pressuring more of our members to do white stars which I thought was what the new changes were exactly against in this post.
    Overall, some of this is speculation from me since how exactly corporations will work in Dark Nebula can be only seen after the launch but, it will be great to see more insight on this topic. Other than that, thanks for posting this as it helped clear up a lot of the confusion on how exactly players are supposed to adapt to Dark Nebula. I definitely agree with everything else and can see a lot of players quit entire game-modes even for the problems pointed out here. Keep up the good work!

  35. It is disappointing that white stars have been changed to 10v, and 10v alone. Many longtime players fondly remember 20v and we have played 15v for many years. 12v was floated as a compromise, however it appears that change did not make the cut.

    1. For smaller corporations, forcing 10v10 only will be quite devastating.

    2. It will make match making a lot easier. I’m kind of excited to see how it plays out.

    3. Just confirms the devs don't listen. This would have literally been solved as a separate game where we could opt to transfer over if we wanted to. The lack of choice is a breakdown and will see the death of many thriving corporations. Hopefully your ego is satiated Andreas you've pissed off your base for your narcissistic personality

  36. I notice no mention of Trade Station position changes, shipping drone changes and costs... You have designed a game you want us to play, not a free choice game like it is currently. I do not want to do White Stars, period. I will not try and drum that up in my Corp, so we will perish. Part of being in a corp is more than White Stars, but by tying that in so heavily you have destroyed it.

    There are some great changes that have been done, but my experience with the latest changes are that I cannot play the way I like - I have to meet your expectations of how to play. My current build in HS should be an equally valid build in the new DN, but it is not. My play style should be equally valid, but it is not. I do hope you gain more new people than you lose, time will tell.

  37. Seems interesting - lots of logical thought has been put into revamping modules (e.g. tw in current bls/ws)... I'm a bit bored of HS so I'm looking forward to the changes in DN! Thank you Andreas!

    1. yes ty for breaking the monopoly of monotany that had taken route. viva la difference!

  38. Hello, I really like majority of these changes and would love to check them out. But more on the 'cooperation' aspect, why cant we get a rework or a new feature regarding helping shipments or other minor cooperative aspects? Current corps just feel like running rs together or white stars, and small features like those feel left out.

  39. If the yellow star economy gets overhauled, I want to point out probably the most annoying part of the old one:
    The shipment timer. I sort my shipments and boost them and everything, this takes me about 30-40 ingame minutes. More like 20 irl, I fire up the time modulator at some point.
    Having a new wave of shipments spawn in while I'm sorting is bloody annoying and a lot of my attempts at doing shipments start and end with me seeing the timer is not very close to a new wave. if that happens in like 30min, I'm waiting. Then I forget, check again a few hours later and same issue.
    I'm not sure what could fix this and if there are changes to shipment spawning already there but please. Change at.
    At least reset the timer to max if all planets/stations are full. Maybe a longer timer but with bigger waves. Maybe something else entirely. Just... something.

  40. What happens with existing artifacts in the star system? Will they get deleted? Can you still store artifacts on planets? Would love to know!

    1. Current arts turn into obsolete artifacts that aren't worth much (no blps etc) - not sure about stockpiling in DN though

    2. You can still store arts on planets, but it's discouraged and the planet capacity is not double anymore.
      (entirely subjective opinion from my very brief participation in the testing releases months ago -->) Players might struggle to collect enough arts to have them be researched for a day, as clearing a planet (let alone multiple) to be safe is someehat harder, not to mention you can have a horde of cerbs spawn on your ass even AFTER clearing the sector and thinking you are safe to collect.

    3. Ah noted, you can still store them, but not double the number any more. Also, the research station holds eight artifacts instead of four. That makes it a lot easier to manage without requiring artifact storage.

  41. I'm curious about the dev response that the artifact bonuses have been tweaked so that losing ws "now and then" won't have a big impact long term. Does these mean it will be easier to achieve a draw result? Otherwise surely half the teams have to lose half the time, which is significantly more often than now and then?

  42. Will it be possible to "downgrade" or use tech at lower levels? There are module conversions that have worked well at high levels in Hades star, that are being converted into modules in DN that become hard to use if they are over leveled relative to a player's new capacity

    1. Unlike Hades Star you will always want models at higher levels in Dark Nebula. They are designed so that that upgrading them is preferable, unlike HS. A big reason for this is that modules don’t use hydro now. You really can’t over level them.

  43. Dev 'appearing' to be a stranger or what, this comment is sus af

    1. maybe u the dev, trying to throw us off with a double bluff? maybe i the dev... heh? HEH?

  44. Shutting down the game or making a completely new game? Surely there is something besides these black and white extremes ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ . Why make a sandboxy game and then lament they way people are playing?

    1. When a game can’t support keeping its servers running it’s not going stay up. Keeping HS running hasn’t been an option and that’s been clear from the early stages of DN. I think you’ll find the gameplay more interesting in DN after some adjustment. Keep an eye on what people are doing what works, there is a lot of new stuff to try, not just in the tech, but in the strategies and builds too.

    2. Then just start charging for the current game? DN is a joke. Everything that made the game relaxing and fun is gone. Rip

    3. whats so weird to me is "easy and relaxing play" was only what happened in the end after long optimization. Surely you got to that point cause you once enjoyed a challenge? Surely you had many many high level friends quit cause they got bored? Now they may come back, and you can have "early game fun" with a developed account!

  45. This dev makes soo many sweeping statements about the game play of Hades Star that are incorrect, so many in this blog post that I couldn't even list them. Please just sell Hades Star soon. Your Dark Nebula game isn't going to be very popular and it doesn't seem like you will be retaining people. None of your improvements, especially with hydrogen, seem to improve game play. You are out of touch. I would love to see your Dark Nebula launch numbers vs Summer 2023 Hades Star numbers. lol, what a joke.

    1. Are you the marketing expert the devs are waiting for? I think not. Also, you should adapt to the changes, like we as human have the ability to, and not criticise their optimistic decision of finally upgrading to DN. The devs were planning this update back from 2019, and will most likely ignore pathetic attempts from conservationists to just leave the dying game be.

  46. Figuring out a way to get more hydrogen = bad

    1. But the problem rn is that players have unlimited hydro, so challenges must be put up to limit play time and increase difficulty. I believe it will be great!

    2. Why is limiting play time a good thing? What if I wanted to run more Rs to help out my corpies but oh sorry guys. Outta hydro. See you tomorrow maybe in the short window I have usable hydro. Not everyone plays this game the same way.

    3. Yeah but you should not spend too much time on a game. That's what they are trying to limit. Helping out teamates, selling hydro and too much fixation to gameplay. So make your rs runs count. Try to find the best winning strat on limited resources. Let the low hydro brake your heart like the current interceptors eat your transports for breakfast! It's part of the game, so learn from the hardships, improvise, adapt overcome!

    4. This comment makes me ask so many questions...
      -How much is too much time spent on a game?
      ---20 minutes?
      ---60 minutes?
      ---90 minutes but only if it's broken into 3 sessions?
      -They are trying to limit how much I play?
      -They are trying to put a limit on helping team mates?
      -Who is selling hydro?
      ---Is there a hydro black market?
      ---Doing shipments in another player's star is somehow different?
      -How do they determine fixation?
      ---Are they implementing gameplay timers?
      ---Will too much time played trigger a suspension?
      ---When did people start making games that they didn't want people to play? Is this new?

      This is so confusing.

    5. The problem is that you can play too much for free. In DN you will need to buy starter pack 2 and/or other in-game purchases if you want enough hydrogen to play more.

  47. Lol no, it's my in-game nickname, you can find me in Gold Hoarders corp, if you don't trust some random guys on the internet)

    1. no no, the dude called it man. im A, you A, everybody here is A...

  48. I honestly thought this limitation of the extender was good, as I myself was the author of the 6h RS with a replay time of 7h and 58 minutes. proving that with a distorted mind it is easy to lose time and the feeling of danger

  49. How will team play work in RS?
    - If it takes less hydro to run 2 RS and get 4 arts each time than to run one RS and loot 2 planets how do we work together?
    - TS can't teleport now, so it isn't easy to loot a planet another player cleared.
    - Interceptors are running loose, so player 1 can't safely leave while TS load to help player 2.
    - Even if 2 players with two top-level planets are close enough together, there is the hydro penalty to jump in a 3rd and 4th transport.

    More than one player using RSE and a 75% chance interceptors will go for someone else first will make the RS easier. That's not cooperative, though. Although RSE is mostly divide and conquer (until clear) there are also opportunities to help one another with difficult combinations of sectors, cover with blast or area shied, heal with RR, provide TW for loading and movement, etc... I love seeing that kindness to strangers and have made friends with players I appreciated in RS. I'll miss that if it is lost in DN.

    1. 1. Battleships move faster so it’s easier to get across the map
      2. Battleship movement no longer takes hydro, so moving across the map doesn’t cost you anything
      3. You’ll find that in DN the best strategies often involve splitting up battleships into different groups. You probably won’t need to move all ships to help someone.

      There are a couple benefits to working together. 1. You can pick up the type of arts you want. With 6 different types you may want to collect only partial artifacts off some planets because some of them you really don’t need. Or you can try to pick up extra ones to trade with other players. There is a hydro penalty, but being able to pick up more arts without having to run an entirely new RS is beneficial and the hydro costs are likely to be less than the costs of scanning and running a new red star.

      You’ll also want to work together for things like croids that might be difficult otherwise. RSE works a bit differently and requires one to sacrifice arts to power it. It’s a good reason to load up on lower level planets. RSE becomes more important in DN. I think you’ll find there are still plenty of chances to help other players in red stars in DN.

  50. I think a lot of Corps are going to struggle to get 10 v 10 every week let alone 2! Ours has had to do many 5v5 because we couldn't get enough for a 10v but we'll see how it pans out. The one weekend I spent playing DN I thoroughly enjoyed and am really looking forward to its launch. Sure we'll lose a few but hey, that's gaming!

    1. It depends why members weren’t joining white stars. The old white stars really required constant attention, even running at a very slow speed. The new ones should be much more friendly to casual play and not having to check them constantly. The bonus to artifacts is a good incentive to try them. Having one size 10v10 should improve match making too.

  51. Somebody has to tell me how many 100s of corps have at least 20 people taking part in WS in any given week. Requirements are just too high

  52. Grande, grandissima pagliacciata

  53. Super excited for the changes. Play testing them it added a lot of new strategies to the game. It does take some time to adjust as noted, especially if some of your tech is under leveled. Give the updated game a chance and I think you’ll enjoy it. A lot of thought has gone into it.

    The hydrogen changes do add challenges to shipping, but it makes red stars far more enjoyable as you can move and use models as much as you want.

  54. After installing a recent adjusted version, one of my three trade stations had disappeared. Could this happen again when a full-fledged update of the DN is applied? That cargo station was in a non-planetary sector and no other problems should have existed.I will give you my yellow star ID if you need it for corrections.

    1. Two stations disappeared during my test. Then I found a letter in the mail explaining that these stations can be reinstalled free of charge and without wasting time, and they will be at the same level as before.

  55. the first thing i notice is when landscape mode is selected its upside down on my samsung tab. It seems the auto rotate in landscape mode does not work.

  56. Removing sanctuary? are you out of your mind?

  57. What about handicap or elderly players. Sanctuary in Hades Star is a lifesaver for those of us with hampered coordination or limited interactive skills. Would be nice if we did not have to struggle rebuilding a ship every time we make a mistake

    1. It reads like losing ships in combat return them to your star. But if you lose them in the nova they are destroyed. So sanctuary is sort of built into the hulls... I think.

  58. 4 χρόνια καλά ήταν. Στα πρόθυρα αναβάθμισης από ρσ10 σε ρσ11 τζάμπα ο κόπος. Δεν έχω το κουράγιο να αρχίσω από την αρχή. Ευτυχώς υπάρχουν και άλλα παιχνίδια στρατηγικής. Καλή επιτυχία στο νέο σας εγχείρημα, εγ δεν θα συνεχίσω.

  59. It is not clear here what happens with my imported HS account. 1) Will all my system remain revealed? 2) Will all my planets remain colonized? 3) Will all my planets remain leveled up? 4) Will all my mods remain leveled up where they are? 5) Will my shipyard remain leveled up? 6) Will my ships remain leveled up? 7) Will my Red Star Scanner remain leveled up?

    1. 1) yes
      2) yes
      3) yes, and low-level ones will be upgraded for free
      4) yes
      5) yes
      6) yes
      7) yes

    2. There’s nothing clear about any of this. Lots of rhetoric and promises, but nothing substantial.

  60. Removing modules I researcged seems shitty. I don't think I want to continue researching then if all modules can be taken away later. Also teleport only for battle ships sound deliberately annoying.

  61. I am willing to give this a chance, but the reason I didn't use some of the mods was because everyone in WS equipped Destiny, so I used mods to counter them, and our corp was VERY successful doing it.

    I hope they don't change mods up too much where the one I researched are no longer how I want to play WS.

    1. Don't worry, that's exactly what they did.... So enjoy having all your stuff changed so you can only play one way. Which devs think means diversity!

  62. I’m perplexed why a person would ask the community for input on a new product then essentially ignore everything they contributed? I mean, why bother asking?
    But then further, to take the initial working model with a proven track record spanning years and (again, after ignoring all the community input concerning it) overwrite it with a different model in the belief that it will attract more customers than its predecessor is astonishing. Particularly since a recent attempt at creating another software product (that looked remarkably similar to the initial product) collapsed from lack of interest.
    But possibly most remarkable of all is your penchant for calling those who question your decisions in this regard insulting names. This sort of response speaks volumes about you, as does your abbreviated sense of business acumen.

    1. Narcissism or "I know better than you" mentality

  63. Really not looking forward to having to do Blue Stars in order to have sufficient hydro to do shipments or run a Red Star. I've never enjoyed Blue Stars. Match making issues never bothered me. Just hate to devote time to a in-game mini game so I can play the portions of the game I enjoy. I view Blue Stars as in-game ads. Have to do them or you'll starve for hydro. Waste of time for those of us that find the Blue Star mini games a time sucking annoyance. Not excited about mandatory White Stars either. Over time, our existing corps bonuses will go down to near zero. I'm curious to see how the new Red Star format works out. My suspicion is that there will be four players, all doing their own thing with very little cooperation. Even in a private Red Star, why would I send my battleships to help another player when Ive got to defend my transports and miner? And what's up with Red Star mining? Miner is just for croid? Those seriously breaks the fun of Red Star mining. I'm hoping the devs will consider making rapid fixes to the breaks we identify as we play DN. I'm hoping for the best, but I suspect having to run multiple Blue Stars a day - the absolute worst part of the game in my opinion - will add more time than I'm willing to spend. I wish the devs well, and hope they make a great profit. I'm so hoping I like it, but, I'm actively looking for replacement games

    1. U can totally do shipments with less H (say no bls H) by just taking less C.... so u want max rewards without putting in playtime?

  64. It the history of human life when has any vessel that has used something that produces an EMP has it not been shielded from it's effects itself? Take for instance a nuclear bomber is has its electronics shielded from emp, shouldn't having an emp then both shield you from the effects and then effect everyone else that doesn't have it? Also why are weapons only effected? Wouldn't it make sense that it would prevent module usage as well by putting a timer on the module. You might consider revamping how emps work and maybe how em shielding might allow you to select modules that would be protected or not, I could understand having to choose whether systems (modules) would have EM protection. For example you have a battleship with weapons shields and 4 mods, 6 total maybe have it where you could protect up to half the functions maybe 75% and make it where you would highlight what functions that would be protected, maybe not everyone wants to keep shields online or maybe they are more a support role and would choose a mod over weapons.

  65. So seems significantly more time consuming than the current one. It will require a lot of more time for achieving anything. Becoming more stressful to play, instead of being more enjoyable. And removing of sanctuary is a specifically bad idea

    1. Technically, Sanctuary is not removed. All ships have it by default, so unless they get killed by a supernova or in a dark red star, they will get to live another day.
      While I can accept the DRS portion, they are made to be harder/riskier, I don't entirely understand why it also applies to supernova.

    2. Sanctuary in TS and miners will not be allowed anymore, right? Only BS

  66. I'm fully convinced Andreas has an iPhone as only someone who is used to it finds this insufferable forced cage acceptable. Closing down a beloved game to force feed us your "better version" screams Apple business practices. To be honest I think he is still mad over his last failed venture and wants to go for round 2.

    You sucked the soul out, Andreas and didn't care enough about the players to let us choose

    1. Are you blaming Andreas or Apple? Are you the good cop or the bad cop? Do you know?

  67. вопрос у меня 9ка останется в DN или вернут 8ку т.к там поменяли экономику(банк) у меня сейчас 4кк?


  69. What I saw of Dark Nebula in the early releases initially turned me off because it was different from Hades Star. As I played Dark Nebula more, it grew on me. So i'm looking forward to the upgrade at the end of October. I'm RS Level 9, 95% of my modules are unlocked and boosted, and Hades Star was getting to be a slog. So the change will be nice. Thanks for all your hard work on the game!

  70. I really liked that every individual piece of the game was optional, and there were ways to make up for it. Like trading arts instead of playing blue star. Making everything harder and mandatory seems like a bad call. If I wanted to play something stressful, I'd go back to FPS gaming on consoles.

    1. everything IS optional... want less stress, play low level rs and now get full bp for the mods! Want to save H? run relay at lvl1...

  71. It's crazy alll the changement you guys are doing without leaving a choice to all the Player!! WTF! You guys smoked to much or wath...?!

    1. Lol, the game is a commercial product. It's not a democracy. You can either play it or not, that's your choice.

  72. Deleting Sanctuary and enabling permadeath to supernovas and Dark Red Stars is awful. Making Dark Red Stars really hard is awful. Dark Red Stars will be mandatory for players who want to progress at a decent rate. Everybody loses ships every now and then, and ships dieing permanently without Sanctuary is the most devastating and awful thing in the game. This introduces extreme punishments for disconnects, making the game impossible to players with bad internet connection. Freeing up a slot is good, but permadeath is an unacceptable mechanic in the game, especially at higher levels.

    Dark Red Stars providing "significantly" more rewards is awful. Dark Red Stars should have been completely optional, only giving like 10% bonus maximum.

    Reducing hydrogen cap is awful. Increasing hydrogen dependency is awful. It really hurts casual players, who don't play the game every day. Previously you could hoard some hydrogen over the week, and spend it all on the weekend on Red Stars. You say in Dark Nebula your hydrogen will cap in 2 days. It forces us to play significant amounts every single day. If you only have time to play 1 day a week, or you don't want to play every single day, you are achieving much less, you are progressing much slower, you can do much less in your time.

    Reducing the overall number of Artifacts you get from Red Stars by making jumping in multiple times super expensive, by making Red Stars harder, by reducing the Red Star timer, by introducing permadeath on supernovas, is awful. Again it hurts casuals who already have a hard time running their Research Station, making continuously running the Research Station much harder, requiring much much more playtime.

    Wrecking all existing strategies is bad. Nerfing all modules is bad. Making trade and mining modules mandatory is awful. Severely limiting, crippling, killing players who never upgraded trade and mining modules, and suboptimal modules is bad. Trading and mining is boring. Making them more significant is bad.

    More shipment automation is good, but it's bad that it's only for low levels, and it's bad if you expect us to do manual shipments at higher levels.

    Logging in multiple times a day to micromanage mining asteroids and doing shipments is a bad chore. Forcing us to log in ever day to do longer activities in Dark Nebula is worse.

    You should be able to get 80% of all credit rewards (progression) in the game with minimal effort. In Hades Star you could, with Shipment Relay, with Blue Star rewards, with Rich Asteroids, with Shipment Drones, with Trade Stations. Worrying about hydrogen and requiring playing the game every day should be only for hardcore people, who want to progress 25% faster. Tryhards shouldn't progress 50% or 100% or 200% faster than casuals who only log in every other day, and only complete stars once every week.

    White Stars should be optional. They shouldn't provide significant advantages. White Star should ever only affect your progression by 5% or less. White Stars should be less hardcore, more available to casuals, but never mandatory.

    Dark Nebula looks and graphics are worse than Hades Star graphics.

    Adding more, constant threats to transports in Red Stars is bad. Having to micromanage transports even after clearing sectors is frustrating. Losing Artifacts to transport deaths is awful, having reduced Artifact gain because of this is bad.

    Guaranteed daily rewards in Blue Stars, even for losing players, is a good change. Blue Star rewards are good, Blue Stars should reward more.

    Deleting Time Warp is awful, especially with the crippling supernova permadeaths. Speeding up ship travel was a core mechanic in all star types. Everything will be worse, even if you speed up base travel speed. It won't match Time Warp speeds, and it'll be awful if you can't outrun NPC ships.

    I think it's bad if almost all changes in the summary are bad and hurt players.

    1. Ending boring god meta mode grind after rs9 is GOOD. I liked the challenge of HS, when the challenge stopped, eventually I did too. DN has brought me back. worlds full of semi-idle easy games for those who like em, I dont play those, these changes are GOOD

  73. Will you be equipped with two weapons it is cool and would more fun

  74. Can I start new game from beginning and don’t transfer account?

  75. Yeah this doesn't look very promising. It seems like a lot of thought went into the design but it definitely feels like it is moving in the wrong direction from what I enjoyed about Hade's Star. Maybe others will enjoy it, but I won't be.

    1. I agree. Not sure I will like DN either. And taking away rewards for White stars is just plain dumb. If you didn’t play a lot of WS before, those players got tons of rewards and now you won’t. This may break this game alone. And the other changes may destroy it completely. Not promising to me either

  76. To paraphrase the section on White Stars:
    If you quit playing WS because of pressure to be available 24/7 for 5 days, try DN.

    Nowhere did I read any explanation of or plan for how they intend to alleviate the time pressure aspect of WS. Personally, I find the HS version of WS to be both interesting and exhausting. How is WEEKLY mandatory participation supposed to make WS less exhausting?
    He most worrisome phrase in the post is the repetition of "should be". The game should be played like so; The new update should have such & such results. This tells me that the Dev's don't like how people have been playing their game, and that DN will be subject to constant tinkering. I'll look at it, but the post is not encouraging.

    My prediction: The beatings will continue until morale improves.

  77. Go Woke, Go Broke! RIP

  78. Diplo partners and Corp-mates should be allowed to enter/ exit each other's gate for high lvl Rs.

  79. I tried Dark Nebula it sucked compared to Hades Star. It feels like a cheaper game over all with poorer graphics. I also love using time warp for loading artifacts and speeding up miners. Sanctuary lets me focus on strategy and not have to worry abiut rebuilding a battleship.

    1. wait... you kept playing Hades for the GRAPHICS? yeah I remember when i finally upgraded my flip phone too...

  80. DRULK A.I., here. I loved the Hades Star game. I am sorry to see it go. Will have to wait and see if i can adapt to the new one. Thank you for your free game. I have spent alot of time playing, so consider my comment as a form of collaboration rather than offence. I always thought the planets lacking any realistic orbital position around star was kind of weird for a space game. Some of the mods i thought were really dumb. Destiny was one of them. It would be great if you could do a Hades Star version of Star Control.

  81. Верните нашу игру!!!

  82. Creo que mas de uno cuando vea el bug se va a beneficiar significativamente y va mantener silencio para que no lo corrijan y usarlo en secreto

  83. So much has already been said so I won’t rehash much. Played over 5 years. Most with a winning Corp. Top 50. That corp is now dead because of burn out (getting to top 50 was a long run) and because life has pulled the group apart. We struggled to get 15v on the regular and had to drop to 10v. Even with a sister Corp who was not really into WS. The idea that corps are going to be able to field 2 10v is insane. Condensing all these corps down to around 25 to make this happen …. Good luck with that. The mandatory bls? I don’t do bls because I suck at them. Like others on here, I am old and slow so I just don’t do them. The only reason I am still here is because I love the current game and I have soooo much time invested that I just couldn’t walk away. Now it looks like that is no longer going to be a choice. I’ll look at the changes when they come but since my Corp isn’t doing WS anymore and the hydro limits the number of rs I can do ( I die a lot in rs10). Yeah. I feel like I’m being forced out. That is going to be a sad day. I have a ton of awesome memories with my brothers. A bunch of screen captures that still make me smile. I really don’t want to see it end. But… all things do end. Good luck to the remaining. Crypt Widow Makers.

  84. I think that more than one person when they see the bug will benefit significantly and will keep silent so that they don't fix it and use it in secret

  85. I am both happy and sad that the game is getting a massive upgrade. I realy wanted to experience hades star further up than RS9 before its time was up.

  86. i expected disaster with old HS, cuz that was tha game i loved and it will be get reworked. but imo shutting down will be a mistake (i know technical aspect, got it from ur explanation above, but i know the only one HS - DN is completely different, so i wanted it to be a separated one). i've left HS since realized that u gonna make game like this. i'm disappointed, but who cares.

  87. What will happen to my current artifact stockpile. I have nearly 20 artifacts stored on my planets. Will they be deleted after update?

  88. Seems like you are going full steam ahead with pay to win

  89. As a college freshman who began playing Hades' Star approximately 5-6yrs ago now - I truly will miss this game, the community was wonderful and was truly a collective group. I may return to the game one day; however, I thank Andreas for making such a wonderful game - even with a limited team. I can still vividly remember my days using EMP on other transports in red stars so I could fight for artifacts before every player got the same artifacts possible. Thank you to all those in Famous Assassins, Alpha Nation, and any conglomerate who welcomed me in. I will be lurking around, and maybe if I have free time I will make a return.

    Feel free to add me on discord @ Cpt_Memer <3

  90. I felt personally insulted by this article.
    Using a "lazy" 3 ship setup is because then you don't have to think about which mod your hitting, on which ship, or which ship is on point when moving.

    Andreas cannot fathom that some players can create ways to accomplish the task, outside of his acceptably deemed choices..

    It used to.be a game.

    Not sure what it is now.

    As I read it I see red stars won't allow hydro to exit, but I use rockets on miners to kill your bombers and carry the fuel from match to match.

    That's a forbidden tactic now

    Exiting to refresh your modules instead of dying seems a very good "strategy" seeing as how you provide us with a time modulator to do it.
    But that wasn't as Andreas imagined.

    I dont like any of the changes since genesis removal from ws viability.
    800 and 3k stones are intended to be hindrance
    Every change you've made has been to remove the ability of the player to choose how to play the game.

    Want to still have a game?

    Go back to.before bluestar and gen removal. Keep that version.


    1. Like litterslly, 50 percent of this blog was telling players how they will have to play in order to play sucefully in their new game and how all.of our strategies suck, because they aren't andres's conception.

      Maybe just making the game fun and not focusing on stopping heat the players find fun, might make for a better game.

      DN sucks balls.

      RIP hades, My dear friend.
      Until the next rendition of reality.

      Can't belive your actually gonna murderer her.

      Can't say I didn't call it.


      Your new version.is intended to boost sales by limiting hydro, you will fail. Your new game sucks, that's how I'm sure your gonna fail and your killing hades for no good reason. Hades is the superior version, even in its crippled state, still the superior version.

      I dont wanna play Andreas says. He's a bad host.

    2. How to join already have account ?

  91. Is it possible to either post a video of the DN tutorial for us who will be ported, or maybe work out a way for us to experience it in-game?

  92. If you can’t get 15 players fora WS, how are you going to get 20? Every week?

  93. The whole concept of this update is to force people to spend money. Current HS model is too expensive to afford paying hundreds of dollars for crystals. So here is a totally revamped game, new mechanics + optional(mandatory) money to stay competitive. Go woke, go broke.

    Just don't be afraid to show the numbers of HS 1 year after it launched and DN 1 year from now on.


  94. I have 2 accounts at rs9 level and have barely played for at least the last year. White stars were too broken, progression from rs9 to rs10 too ridiculously slow. Blue stars I absolutely hate. The updates described here make me quite excited and I’ll dive back in to see how it goes!


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