Server update, December 19 2023

 • Fixes issue where the flagship's recoil drones could have their Recoil module manually re-activated in certain situations (until the next app update, such re-activation may still succeed in the Time Machine) 


  1. Replies
    1. أحب التحديث الجديد. المشكلة هي أننا نقوم بتسوية الرائد بشكل أعمى وليس لدينا أي فكرة عما هو التالي أو ما تفعله بعض التعديلات. هل هناك دليل للرائد؟


    2. There's a community developed resource for flagship mod descriptions. Hope this helps:

  2. Куда писать о багах?

  3. Will the dev fix the losing ships to a supernova issue? Just lost a miner which is annoying. If I lose a whole fleet of ships due to a lost connection then that's it for me in this game. Why is this not being fixed?

    1. That is by design. You either get it killed and it pops up in your yellow star, or get it to the gate.

    2. But it doesn't make any logical sense and does nothing for gameplay.

    3. I agree, I quit the game because of this. And now I play other games, probably won't return even if Sanctuary is fixed. Sad.

  4. Any chance of correcting the credit cap loss of players rs9 and below? I got 2 huge credit increases and I don't understand why those rs9 and under are being punished? One guy had 7.2 mill and was actively saving for the bs6 upgrade, only to drop to 5 mill.

  5. What happened? Game don’t loading, tried to reinstall, don’t work on iPhone and iPad


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