Server update, November 15 2023

Today's update includes economy tweaks, bug fixes and improvements to support the game's increasing player sizes.

  • GENESIS: Hydrogen amount generated in Yellow Star increased for levels 7-13
  • Server support for manually flagging recommended Corporations. 
  • Regular Corporation members can no longer view the Corporation's scheduled future Time Machine commands, unless they are participating in the White Star. Senior members and above will still see their Corporation's scheduled moves as before. 
  • Empire Power thresholds reduced for regular (non Dark) Red Stars levels 5 and above.
  • Rocket Drone: Fixed unintentional unlimited launch range, now has similar launch range to other Drone modules.
  • Joining an abandoned Red Star will now fail (this is a temporary workaround for missing Artifacts in some Red Stars)
  • Fixed TEAM PLAYER achievement not increasing after White Star ends
  • Fixed wrong research Credit rewards for RS3 and RS4 artifacts.
  • Fixed Upgrade Shipyard objective getting stuck for some players.

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