Dark Nebula Launch Rehearsal weekend #1 - September 1 to 3

 Launch Rehearsals will be short lived, focused Early Access builds that will only be available during a single weekend. Each launch rehearsal will be posted on this blog, along with what specific feedback we hope to gather from players. 

Launch Rehearsals operate on a past snapshot of the live Hades' Star game. That means you should be able to access your live Hades' Star game, as it was a few days before the rehearsal weekend. If you see the New Game screen, you can try signing in with the same GameCenter or Google account you use in the live Hades' Star game. From Steam, make sure you are signed in with the same Steam account you use in Hades' Star.

The focus of the first launch rehearsal is to hear your initial reaction and thoughts after the update, both immediate, and after playing for a couple of hours trying to do the regular activities you do in the main game. When posting feedback, assume what you see in this build would be exactly what would happen to your live account after Dark Nebula releases. You can post your feedback in the comments here or in the special section of our Discord server. 

This test will end early on Monday September 4. There will be more launch rehearsals in the weeks and months ahead. As usual, the question to the answer "When will it release" is "When it is ready". Because at this moment nobody knows when it will be ready, nobody knows the actual date, including us.

The Launch Rehearsal #1 build is available through the following channels: 

- Android: *MAKE SURE TO DELETE THE OLD EARLY ACCESS APP FIRST*. Install directly from this link (you may need to edit device settings to allow untrusted apks): *LINK HAS EXPIRED*

- iOS: *MAKE SURE TO DELETE THE OLD EARLY ACCESS APP FIRST*. The updated build will show on Testflight when and if it passes App review. If App review is delayed for any reason, the launch rehearsal may not be available during the entire weekend window, or at all. Testflight signup link: https://testflight.apple.com/join/8ChcDlgK

- Steam: The updated build is in the Dark Nebula Early Access branch (Branch code: 34cg8frej93d) for Windows only. OSX is not available for Launch Rehearsal.

Partial list of changes since the last Early Access build: 

•  Stealth auto-activates if possible, just before the Transport is fired on (can be disabled from the Transport's info page)

•  Vengeance auto-activates any available Shield, if possible (can be disabled from the Battleship's info page)

•  Solitude boost increased significantly (Red Stars)

•  Rocket Drone damage increased significantly (Red Stars)

•  Teleport - upgrades decrease cooldown time in Red and Blue stars

•  All Drone modules now have maximum launch range, increases with upgrade level

•  Improvements to the ALL SHIPS window (ships are sorted alphabetically; in Red Stars, Battleships show on top)

•  In active Red Stars, next/previous selection buttons no longer focus the camera to newly selected ship

•  Shipments: Tweaks to Relay, bonuses, planet shipment capacity per level

•  Artifacts stored on Yellow Star planets now occupy their actual size on the planet's storage capacity

•  Tweaks to time/credit/blueprint requirements to upgrade Modules

•  Tweaks to how Empire Power is scored in Red Stars, including much higher weight to total number of retrieved Artifacts

•  Hydrogen capacity increased for all planet levels

•  Achievements now show progress number even when fully unlocked

•  In game sound effects and audio re-design

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