Dark Nebula Launch Rehearsal weekend #1 - September 1 to 3

 Launch Rehearsals will be short lived, focused Early Access builds that will only be available during a single weekend. Each launch rehearsal will be posted on this blog, along with what specific feedback we hope to gather from players. 

Launch Rehearsals operate on a past snapshot of the live Hades' Star game. That means you should be able to access your live Hades' Star game, as it was a few days before the rehearsal weekend. If you see the New Game screen, you can try signing in with the same GameCenter or Google account you use in the live Hades' Star game. From Steam, make sure you are signed in with the same Steam account you use in Hades' Star.

The focus of the first launch rehearsal is to hear your initial reaction and thoughts after the update, both immediate, and after playing for a couple of hours trying to do the regular activities you do in the main game. When posting feedback, assume what you see in this build would be exactly what would happen to your live account after Dark Nebula releases. You can post your feedback in the comments here or in the special section of our Discord server. 

This test will end early on Monday September 4. There will be more launch rehearsals in the weeks and months ahead. As usual, the question to the answer "When will it release" is "When it is ready". Because at this moment nobody knows when it will be ready, nobody knows the actual date, including us.

The Launch Rehearsal #1 build is available through the following channels: 

- Android: *MAKE SURE TO DELETE THE OLD EARLY ACCESS APP FIRST*. Install directly from this link (you may need to edit device settings to allow untrusted apks): *LINK HAS EXPIRED*

- iOS: *MAKE SURE TO DELETE THE OLD EARLY ACCESS APP FIRST*. The updated build will show on Testflight when and if it passes App review. If App review is delayed for any reason, the launch rehearsal may not be available during the entire weekend window, or at all. Testflight signup link: https://testflight.apple.com/join/8ChcDlgK

- Steam: The updated build is in the Dark Nebula Early Access branch (Branch code: 34cg8frej93d) for Windows only. OSX is not available for Launch Rehearsal.

Partial list of changes since the last Early Access build: 

•  Stealth auto-activates if possible, just before the Transport is fired on (can be disabled from the Transport's info page)

•  Vengeance auto-activates any available Shield, if possible (can be disabled from the Battleship's info page)

•  Solitude boost increased significantly (Red Stars)

•  Rocket Drone damage increased significantly (Red Stars)

•  Teleport - upgrades decrease cooldown time in Red and Blue stars

•  All Drone modules now have maximum launch range, increases with upgrade level

•  Improvements to the ALL SHIPS window (ships are sorted alphabetically; in Red Stars, Battleships show on top)

•  In active Red Stars, next/previous selection buttons no longer focus the camera to newly selected ship

•  Shipments: Tweaks to Relay, bonuses, planet shipment capacity per level

•  Artifacts stored on Yellow Star planets now occupy their actual size on the planet's storage capacity

•  Tweaks to time/credit/blueprint requirements to upgrade Modules

•  Tweaks to how Empire Power is scored in Red Stars, including much higher weight to total number of retrieved Artifacts

•  Hydrogen capacity increased for all planet levels

•  Achievements now show progress number even when fully unlocked

•  In game sound effects and audio re-design


  1. Thanks. Can you explain how to access on Steam? I dont see anything if I search the store by name or branch code.

    Steam: The updated build is in the Dark Nebula Early Access branch (Branch code: 34cg8frej93d) for Windows only. OSX is not available for Launch Rehearsal.

    1. The Branch code is the beta key for HS

    2. Right click on the game in Library->Properties->Betas->Enter the code

    3. Where’s the next rehearsal I want to play it so bad and I just learned of dark nebula also good luck on the development hope it’s going smoothly

  2. Hi, I'm trying it out, looks very exciting. One problem is that my shipment drones disappear after a few deliveries, well before the 20min expiry time. Is this a bug or deliberate?

  3. Why is my name not spelled correctly?!

  4. Will the tech cost stay the same as it is now or is it only for testing ATM?
    Also I think it would be very nice if all arts stored in planets get automatically salvaged on transitioning, similarly as it's done with the ones in research station

  5. So ios users won’t get 1000crystals after update aren’t like android users? :(

  6. The alternate skins for planets and suns is a very good idea. I'm very excited about new modules and their reworks. One thing I absolutely hate is the ship designs. They are extremely cartoonish, actually worse than original ones. Please either return the OG ones, or design new, actual modeled ships, just like the space stations. That is my only feedback.

  7. Any iOS users having difficulty with test flight?

    1. It works for iOS, try again now.

  8. Bonjour, le lien vers Android est correct, l'application se télécharge mais ne veut pas s'installer ...

    1. Je suis donc passé par Steam, et ça marche nickel par contre.

  9. Bonjour,
    J'ai pu accéder à mon compte réel importé vers Dark Nebula en utilisant Steam.
    Sur Android, impossible d'installer l'application, ça bloque.
    Je viens de tester DN quelques heures.
    C'est plaisant visuellement, conforme aux dernières versions en accès anticipé.
    Par contre, on va avoir un gros travail d'adaptation.
    Après avoir lancé ma première RS 10, je pense que l'acclimatation aux nouveaux modules directement à des haut niveaux ne sera pas simple ...
    Hormis ce détail gênant, on devrait s'habituer assez rapidement j'espère, le reste de la mise à jour Dark Nebula semble très prometteuse !
    J'ai une question toutefois, j'ai remarqué que certains avaient le badge de distinction "Dark nebula pioneer" mais il n'apparaît pas dans mon profil personnel alors que j'ai bien un compte depuis longtemps sur DN.
    S'agit-il d'un problème quelconque à signaler ?
    Même si ce n'est pas vital, autant partir sur un pied d'égalité :D
    Merci d'avance et bon courage pour la finalisation de DN !

  10. I see Suppress module removed from the game, but my BS still have it on their module slot. (Cant use it though)

    1. Sur mes cuirassés, le module "Suppression" a bel et bien disparu, laissant un emplacement vide.

  11. I noticed omega rocket still costs 2mln to unlock, but the 'massive' damage is reduced to 500. Missing a 0? Other mods are a lot cheaper.

    1. Alpha drone rockets do 500 so I think it’s an error

  12. Battleship starts with 9000/8000 health

    1. C'est l'héritage du compte, après les premiers dégâts subis, sa coque maximum sera revenue à la normale : 8 000.

  13. Problème rencontré dans le jeu :
    J'ai un "drone de cargaison" niveau 10 que je ne peux plus utilisé car auparavant je n'utilisais pas le module "Poussée d'échange", ce qui rend mon "Drone de cargaison" 10 inutilisable si je ne développe pas "Poussée d'échange".
    Je vais donc le faire, mais le temps d'avoir un niveau de module correct, mon drone de cargaison sera bien moins rentable qu'avant.

    1. Je tiens à rajouter que je n'avais pas pu essayer le Drone de Cargaison avant de récupérer mon compte réel sur Dark Nebula.
      C'est un énorme Bug ou normal que le nouveau Drone de Cargaison avec 2 000 Hydrogène ne vit pas plus qu'une petite minute ?
      J'ai déjà envoyé 26 drones, utiliser ma station d'échange sur 5 secteurs, et il me reste au moins la moitié des cargaisons en stocks !
      Sur 24 heures de cargaisons, j'ai dépensé 70 000 hydrogène pour livrer 85 % de mes cargaisons... il en reste 25 %.
      Cela me coûte plus cher qu'avant pour gagner la moitié des crédits que ça me rapportait avant.
      Est-ce que ça vous paraît logique en fonction du gameplay que vous souhaitez ?
      Ce n'est pas une critique mais une vraie question, n'ayant jamais atteint ce niveau de compte avec l'accès anticipé.

  14. Prefer the old ship icons. These ones are genuinely distracting. Please at least add a toggle to use the legacy icons

  15. Prefer old graphics over the new, seems I am in a cartoon. A lot of good changes but will have to learn how to use the Mods. As far as graphics the game sucks. Should have kept that the same I believe. I love most of the changes to the Mods economy research station warp lane cost etc but graphics get a F- sorry.

    1. I like the ships but ys icons…yeesh

  16. I like a lot of the new changes, especially the sanctuary change, emp change and combat changes. Hydrogen is still much much scarser as before (as intended I believe) but at the moment it's barely possible to run two red stars, just to fill the research station, which is a little bit too little I believe.
    What comes with the changes to the hydrogen economy an what is incredibly sad is that trading no longer is worth it, as salvaging artifacts No longer gives hydrogen. Trading was one of the most fun aspects of the game, increasing player interaction, creating a reason why most people had to take part in the community and with it probably a lot less common after the update so will the community activity I believe. As it's also much harder to farm artifacts with the new hydrogen changes, will impact it even more. That is the biggest problem I see with the current update, because it will be a lot less fun if there is less reason for players to interact.

  17. Repair drone doesnt seem to be working.

  18. It looks really exciting so far, but personally I don't like the scarcity of hydrogen. it feels really cut.

  19. One thing I have to say I don’t like is how much brighter stars are so much for “dark” nebula lol

  20. What is the use / benefit / point of the star log?

  21. After deleting the old app and then downloading from the link provided it would not open. So I deleted it again and restarted my device, and went to re-download it but the "LINK HAS EXPIRED"☹️

  22. I joined a RS and there was a bomber in my jump gate sector.

  23. Too little hydro. I know it was designed to be reduced but it's too much. I want to run back to back rs

  24. Я играю на ios , к сожелению свой аккаунт не могу загрузить в небула с хадес. пишу вам давно и часто но вы игнорируйте мои письма

  25. Let me know what you guys think of this (Its probably been brought up before):

    I think it would be really nice if all ship speeds were increased even by values as small as 1.1x or 1.2x either everywhere or just in your yellow star, but not in white stars. I bet a lot of newer players coming to the game would appreciate this as well beccause it will allow you to get all of the little things you need to get done a bit faster before getting off for the night for example. Would love to see this kind of quality of life upgrade since we're so used to the slow speeds we've been playing with forever now.

    1. just found out this is already happening my bad :|

  26. Why can't connect to servers on playstore version? I was registered before the lunch! 🥲


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