2019.3 release notes

Expected deployment: September 16-20

New content and features

  • Battleship Level 6
  • Transport Level 6
  • Permanent White Star event - win guaranteed crystals and chase extra leaderboard rewards by participating to White Stars every month
  • New RS10 enemy - Cerberus Ghosts
  • New module: Suspend (RS9+)
  • Most modules can now be upgraded up to level 12


  • DESTINY: Can no longer be activated if there are no valid teleport targets on the map. Disable time reduced to 4 seconds outside of White Stars.
  • TIME WARP: Radius reduced (240 au-> 200 au), speed up factor slightly increased on level 10. Duration displayed on the module info window for Time Warp now represents the real time the module is active. This time is now fixed at 2m/24h for all levels.
  • EMP: Blue Star duration reduced for levels 8-10
  • OMEGA SHIELD: Shield strength increased on level 8+
  • LASER: BaseDPS increased on level 4+, MaxDPS increased on level 7+
  • UNITY: Max unity extra damage increased to 200% (up to 3x damage total)
  • SALVAGE: Heal percent reduced on level 8-10 for red and blue stars
  • SUPRESS: Effect redius reduced on level 2+ (Red and White stars)
  • SHIPMENT DRONE: Activation Hydrogen cost reduced on level 10
  • MIRROR SHIELD: Activation cost reduced on level 5+, strength increased on level 8+
  • MASS BATTERY: DPS increased from level 8+
  • VENGEANCE: Activation no longer prevents shield activation. Activation health increased to 2000. Activation duration reduced to 5 seconds on Red Stars only. Damage reduced on L9+ on Blue Stars and White Stars. Damage increased on all levels for Red Stars.
  • ALPHA DRONE: DPS increased to 140 (does not affect drones already launched)
  • Module blueprint requirement reduced for high levels of the following modules: AREA SHIELD, BOND, DART LAUNCHER, HYDROGEN ROCKET, ALPHA ROCKET, ALPHA DRONE

User Interface

  • Artifacts can be queued in Red Stars, up to the transport's capacity
  • Jump button for ships docked on a Blue Star scanner (will open the scan page with that ship selected)
  • "Unlink" button on active warp lane hubs allows early deactivation
  • All teleport modules now show trails behind the ship to help determine where the ship came from
  • Selecting a ship under Supress will now show the supress icon and timer over its weapon module icon
  • (Android) Full screen support for devices with a notch, such as Huawei P30 Pro


  • White Star "Allow Spectators" setting defaults to on for newly discovered stars. Once set to off by either Corporation, existing links to the star (i.e. by sharing star system views) will stop working. 
  • The final sectors in Yellow Star, and most sectors in RS8+, will spawn more Hydrogen
  • Fixed an issue with Blue Star standings that could award 6th place when two player ships died very closely together 
  • Fixed speed display on Cerberus Storm info page
  • (iOS, Android) Music replaced with two new tracks from the Steam version
  • (Steam) Added missing key shortcut option for Hydrogen Rocket

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