About Maintenance

We are currently deploying a server update. For more information, see here: http://blog.hadesstar.com/2024/05/server-update-may-3.html

Expected downtime is 5 minutes. 

General information on maintenance: 

We regularly maintain the game's servers to improve performance, fix issues and increase capacity for more players.

Here's what to expect during such a maintenance period:
  • 16 minutes before maintenance starts, you will start seeing an in-game message and countdown timer.
  • The countdown timer is meant to help you avoid situations where you could lose ships while the servers are offline. Make sure you retreat your ships from combat before the timer expires. 
  • During the countdown period, you cannot start new Red Stars. You should also be careful with existing Red Stars - if using a lot of Red Star extenders, it's possible the maintenance could start with some of your ships still in the Red Star. 
  • During the last 8 minutes of the countdown, you will also be unable to start searching for a new Blue star.
  • The actual maintenance will usually only bring the game offline for less than 5 minutes. An exception is when doing maintenance during an app update - those maintenances will usually take 10 minutes to an hour.
There is no pre-set maintenance schedule, they are done as needed. Historically we've done about 1-2 maintenances per month.

When a maintenance is underway, we will always post more info on the top of this post, including estimated downtime. A link to this post will be available from within the game during the maintenance window (click the maintenance message, then More Info to see the cause of the maintenance and expected downtime).


  1. Hi Hades Star team,

    Is there any planned major updates in the upcoming months for the fans to expect? E.g. new game play, corp pvp (contesting star systems), etc?

    Or in the long run there will only be higher RS and cerebus units? So this game is basically final? No more expectations for the fans to anticipate?

    1. See this post for all we know so far :)


    2. I'd hope there would be more than just higher RS and new cerb ships, otherwise the game would flatline.

      Hi Andreas, for an app to go from a fun time killer (until bored) to a self sustaining entity, you need a world for the players to invest themselves in. That means story aspects for the RPGers, auctions for the MBA gamers, arenas or 'Gray Space' where pvp is possible with rewards to draw out our gladiators.

      You've got the 'gentrifyers' satisfied with the ability to cultivate the star system free of griefing and pvp, but expand it. Add flavor options that let a player truly make the system their own, and you've got people hooked for years at least. :)

    3. I'm a gentrifier. I don't need to rename everything, and I'm not sure what my options would be, but yes, I'd love to personalize my little yellow star system. :)

    4. Ohhh no mi corp estaba en una pelea inmensa

    5. Неизвестный хватит гнать на игру пургу. Хочешь PvP, тогда тебе прямая дорога на БЗ и там устраивай сколько хочешь PvP за реликты, если тебя эта игра не устраивает, тогда скачай игру Солярис и играй в эту донатную помойку, потому что если HS станет донатной игрой её тут же все удалят со своих устройств.

    6. Dude, he wrote it 5 years ago. There were no White Stars or Blue Stars

  2. Hello Hades star team yesterday as soob as the message server shutdown came i lost conection and lost all my miners and transporter .....

  3. Looking forward to the 2018.2 update! Thanks!

  4. I’m curious what the shipment generation bugs are/were

  5. Thank you very much (and about time!) on the 23 hour Cooldown. Also, much appreciation for paying attention to how the updates affect the players and being quick to fix those issues. Cheers!

  6. Извините что на русском языке, но можно ли от имени сообщества попросить разработчиков добавить в игру звуки перемещения кораблей и звуки выстрелов.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Какой звук в космосе?))

    3. Например шум работы двигателей. Как в тяжёлой технике. И звуки выстрелов там... Если батарея стреляет как у пулемёта скажем... Или как-то так.

  7. Извините что на русском языке, но можно ли от имени сообщества попросить разработчиков добавить в игру звуки перемещения кораблей и звуки выстрелов.

    1. Звук в космосе не распространяется

  8. There should be an actual trading mechanism where you can trade credits, hydro, artifacts and MAYBE crystals and modules

  9. Love GAME. Белорозовые здрасьте!

  10. Yo estoy en una eb, quevva a pasar con las naves de mi coro?

  11. Свобода рабочим!Да вздраствует Социализм!И Коммунизм!Долой Капиталистических стран мира!

  12. УРА!!!Коммунизм снова живой! Советский Союз Возраждается вновь!Трепещите!

  13. Hi Hades Star team,

    Is it possible to have an option in the miner setting to toggle between Auto mining and manual mining? Manual mining will only mine the current sector until it's filled and not return to any planet.

    This will be extremely helpful when people try to build up their hydrogen fields without accidentally mining unintended fields.


  14. Молодцы! Отличная игра!

  15. Have you ever thought about dual weapons slot? one for long range weapons and one for short range. This would make the ws and rs battle even more challenging

  16. nice work andreas. keep it up

    btw. as a suggestion. i think WS win rewards should be doubled

    ty for all

  17. I love the Game THX for Updates.

  18. Love the new update. Problem is we are leveling the Flagship blindly we have no idea what is next or what some of the mods do. Is there a guide for the Flagship?

  19. Will this patch change actual White Stars during gameplay?

  20. I ask because 5 minutes before notification I used this option during an ongoing WS. And it was to ensure my team won.

  21. It will, just great. Dont you think it should be break first, in WS event, before you change meta?

  22. Кто прочитал - тот лох

  23. Finally we'll see if this update makes or breaks Dart. Sadly I fear it'll be the latter, but fingers crossed!

  24. I admire your work, this project is special, I played it for a while, I never had any problems, well, like every game, several players always want to change their names, the game provides the name change only once, an event should be added , or a new way to change the name in exchange for crystals, both in the players we win and you will win something, $$, everything I expect from the game and that one day he will add a new way to change the name, sometimes mistakes happen and the name can go wrong! add a new way to change the name in exchange for crystals! and fair right?

  25. I think a more diverse way of earning credits would be cool like trading or being able to deliver certain objects that have a credit value in a diplomacy

  26. Hello hades star, i just have an ideea about the tier1 planets, with moons... Can you make an option to destroy the moons if we want, because sometimes they are verry annoing.also if you can make them grow a bit more, because the credits they make are not worthed transported after a lvl...

  27. Спамеров УДАЛИТЕ

  28. Agredeceria una nueva forma de comercio.

  29. Ciao, perché non fate una galassia di corporazione? Dove i componenti di una corp possono entrare con le navi condivise manufatti, magari con un sistema di pianeti da crescere insieme, dove poter andare a prendere anche idro. Magari lidro che resta nelle stelle bianche viene dato hai vincitori e messo nel sistema della corp. E poi alzate le ricompense per stimolare le persone nei rapporti diplomatici,e troppo misera la ricompensa se fai i carichi a altri giocatori. Ciao grazie.

  30. I have issues with the notifications, specially the MSGs: will it be corrected.
    PS: I have sent 2 tickets with no reply so far

  31. When will the new update launch?

  32. Thanks for making a great game. If I could suggest two things to improve quality of life:

    Add an option to disable click-drag movements (or finger drag)

    Let us toggle next ship selection so that it always does every ship in the system in sequence regardless of location.


  33. Se podria agregar un boton para mover las naves en grupos juntos muchas veces con el tactil de los celulares se complica el hacer los movimientos retrasa los ataques o no da tiempo de reaccionar en las acciones
    Me refiero a poder mover las naves con algun comando ya sea con naves de ataqie en 1 sola orden al igual que las de catga eso mejoraria la experiencia del juego

  34. Se podria agregar un boton para mover las naves en grupos o juntos muchas veces con el tactil de los celulares se complica el hacer los movimientos y aveces retrasa los ataques o no da tiempo de reaccionar en las acciones ya que la misma se hace de a una a la vez
    Me refiero a poder mover las naves con algun comando especial en celulares ya sea con naves de ataque en 1 sola orden al igual que las de carga eso mejoraria la experiencia del juego ampliamente

  35. Macht doch endlich mal ein Update mit mehr Sektoren!
    Die Anzahl der Sektoren samt Planeten könnte größer sein. Macht dann auch mehr Spaß noch weiter und größer zu forschen etc.

  36. There's one thing i would like for a future update, i was hoping the number of times a player name could be changed can be increased? Because in my old main account i changed it once, and for any alt accounts i can't change it, which i find to be a problem.

  37. зае6али эти "обновы". Чо обновлять-то, если в декабре всё по пuзде полетит?

  38. а, и да. Чуть не забыл. НЕГРЫ - ПИДОРЫ. Пистоль, ты негритянская шляндра

  39. Is gc getting banned for every one?

  40. hello, can you add a shortcut to select all onlane planets at once and off course one for the offlane planets too, it's very tedious to do it manualy, specially on mobile phone.

  41. Can there be light and GC like before?


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